People get stuck in a cycle of mental and emotional exhaustion that can make it impossible to improve your body.
People get stuck in a cycle of mental and emotional exhaustion that can make it impossible to improve your body. When you're tired, you don't have the energy to be active and eat well. And when you're not eating well, your body is less able to fight off disease and illness. The result? You get sicker from all the stressors piling up on top of one another.
Kapha is the main fuel for our bodies, and it generally fills us up when we eat.
Kapha is the main fuel for our bodies, and it generally fills us up when we eat. It's responsible for the body's structure, skin, and mucous membranes. Kapha also plays a role in keeping your energy levels stable.
Pitta controls digestion
Pitta governs digestion, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients. It is the fire element and it's responsible for metabolism, circulation, digestion, and body temperature. In winter when food intake is low due to cold weather or insufficient sunlight exposure (due to snowfall), it becomes important for you to balance your dosha so that you can maintain an even flow of energy throughout your body.
The following tips will help you achieve a healthy balance between Pitta & Vata:
- Eat warm foods such as soups or stews during winter months because they digest easily in cold temperatures
Vata controls blood flow and sweating
Vata is the controlling force in your body that moves energy through all systems. It governs the nervous system, which means it controls how quickly you can move from one place to another. Vata also manages blood flow and sweating.
In winter, when we tend to be more sedentary and cold weather makes us less active, vata becomes dominant over pitta energy—the other dosha that fuels our metabolism—so it's important for Vata patients to work on balancing their diet with warming foods like soups or stews.
The combination of these three doshas determines how our bodies function and feel.
The combination of these three doshas determines how our bodies function and feel. If you are imbalanced, you will feel tired and lethargic. You can use ayurvedic remedies to balance your doshas by focusing on specific dosha combinations.
For example, if a person’s Vata is out of balance with pitta and Kapha, he or she may experience excessive dryness in the body due to a lack of moisture retention capacity. He or she may also feel fatigued easily without any reason behind it because pitta has an affinity towards toxins that lead to inflammation thus causing fatigue; therefore using a mixture containing herbs like amla (Indian gooseberry) along with other ingredients rich in antioxidants such as ashwagandha root powder will help improve their energy levels and mental clarity without making them feel heavy-headed all day long!
Over centuries, the practice of Ayurvedic wellness has proven to result in a more rejuvenated body, mind and spirit, thus nurturing mindfulness and stronger immunity.
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Live a mindful life, and live holistically.
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This blog is written by Nadjerah Barua