Since October started rolling, we've seen pink shades take over the Internet. We see our friends post about #breastcancerawarenessmonth, which is a great step of educating the many and young about this disease that has undeniably recorded a massive number of deaths and continues to do so if most of us remain unaware of its possibilities.
ABOUT THE #breastcancerawarenessmonth
People wear pink ribbons or any pink clothings to celebrate survivors, remember those lost to the illness, raise awareness and support the progress we are making together to beat breast cancer during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October and throughout the year.
However, we should also remember to include blue in this campaign. But did you know that men can also get affected by breast cancer? This is why it is essential to be socially active on this campaign online and offline to reach as many people as possible to contribute to raising breast cancer awareness.
Early detection saves lives. Although the breast self-check is not medically recognized as a screening technique to diagnose cancer, women and men should start on getting familiar with the way their breasts appear and feel naturally as soon as they reach the age of 20. This is necessary to observe and notice if there are any changes in their breasts as quickly as possible.
Around 40% of recorded breast cancer cases confirm that they noticed a lump; thus, performing a regular breast self-exam is important.
While some women and men may detect a lump while hitting the shower or have a dimple noticed - either by yourself or by your partner, it is vital to understand how your breasts appear and feel on a regular basis. The BSE is an excellent tool for establishing that "baseline" and determining whether lumps and bumps are typical. If you notice any changes, always notify your health care practitioner right once.
What to Look for During the Examination
- A lump, a hard knot, or a thickening in the breast or underarm region.
- Breast swelling
- Warm around the breast area
- Redness, or darkening area
- Change in size and shape
- Puckering or dimpling of the skin
- Nipple itching, scaly sore, or rash
- Pulling in of your nipple or other breast areas
- Unexpected nipple discharge/may occur suddenly
- Discomfort in one area or pain that isn't going away.
When Is the Best Time to Perform a Breast Self-Examination?
- If you still menstruate, the ideal time to do BSE is when your breasts are least likely to be sensitive or swollen, which is usually 3-5 days after your menstruation stops.
- If you no longer menstruate or are a man, choose a certain day, such as the first of each month, to help you remember to conduct your BSE.
How to Take the Exam
In front of a mirror
Step 1: Visually check each breast while standing in front of a mirror with your arms at your sides. Continue to evaluate yourself while keeping your hands on your hips and tightening your chest muscles. Keep an eye out for dimpling, swelling, and regions surrounding the nipple, as well as if the nipple turns inverted. Continue to check your breast and armpit regions by raising your arms over your head.
Step 2: Bend your right arm behind your head as if reaching for the opposite shoulder blade if you're touching the right breast (switch to do the left breast). With the pads of your first three fingers, circularly move around the breast. You may do this in an up-and-down pattern, a circular pattern, or a wedge design, but try to stick to the same approach each time. Check the nipple region for any discharge as well. Make sure you finish both breasts.
In the shower:
Move your fingers in a circular motion over the whole breast, from the outside to the center, examining the entire breast and armpit area. Every month, feel both breasts for any lumps, thickening, or stiff knots. Any changes should be noted, and bumps should be checked by your healthcare professional.
In the shower:
You may inspect your breasts when lying down in addition to standing or in the shower. Place a cushion behind your right shoulder and bend your right arm over your head to do this. Then, using your left hand's fingertips, continue pressing all regions of the breast and armpit. After you've finished on your right shoulder, transfer the cushion to your left shoulder and continue the process.
Explicitly state that the information provided on the site is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice.
Please consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you're seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.